Jeff doing what he does best

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

Hello Everyone,

It's days like today that make me think about what we should all be thankful for. I know it's not Thanksgiving, but since it is a holiday, the thoughts of friends and family come to mind.

I am so deeply grateful for the support shown for our dear friend Jeff Napier and his family. And even more importantly- the news that he is free of cancer.

I wish you a Happy Easter with your friends and family, and especially a Happy Easter to the Napier family.


Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Greetings everyone! I received the best phone call from Jeff's wife today. After another scan, it has been shown that there are no more cancer cells!!! YAY! This is the news that we have all been waiting for, and I am so happy to share it with you! Jeff will still be taking the last 3 rounds of chemo just to be on the safe side-but everything is looking great. THANK YOU- so much for all of your support these last few months. I know it means a ton to Jeff and his family.

Now MY question is....When's the P-A-R-T-Y! :)


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Checking in Again!

Greetings fellow Battle Buddies! It's a chilly-rainey day here in southwest, MI and I thought I'd update our readers on Jeff's progress.

I've been in touch with Jeff, and he says he's not feeling too bad. He completed 3 rounds of chemo, and has  a bit of time off before the next one. He really appreciates all the comments and words of encouragement left for him, so GREAT JOB guys and gals! :)

I've also given him administrator privileges on this blog, so you may see a message directly from Jeff from time to time.

On another note- I've noticed a huge decrease in the activity with the Battle Buddy site. Remember you don't have to donate to help a Battle; just stopping by and leaving a few words in the comment section can make all the difference.

Have a wonderful week!


Monday, February 28, 2011


Here's to wishing you a wonderful Birthday buddy! Hope you are feeling good today!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Every Little Bit Goes a Long Way

Hi Folks,

Well it's another late night early morning for me, and I can't seem to sleep. I've been thinking about Jeff, and the Battle Buddy Fund since 2am.

I would like to say THANK YOU again (because I know you can't say it enough) to those who have opened their hearts and wallets to helping such a great person and his family. This isn't just about raising money to help pay the bills, this is also about supporting a friend and Veteran.

I know that with these economic times, some of you out there just don't feel comfortable donating money, but instead of thinking about what you "can't do"just think about what you CAN DO! :) As I've posted previously- If anyone reading this wants to send a card, letter, words of encouragement- you can do so by emailing me at and I will gladly send you Jeff's mailing address. There is so much more that YOU can do for this family and your thoughts and prayers are very much appreciated.

What better way to lift a person's spirits than to leave a few words of encouragement. Jeff checks this site and I'm sure would be happy to see any and all comments left for him. In the mean time, keep spreading the word and hopefully we can make a huge difference for this fellow friend.

On a side note- I just checked into a new reserve station and was talking to some of my fellow sailors about the Battle Buddy Fund. One of the guys (who I've never met before) actually saw the link come across his Facebook page! WOW! Thanks to everyone who has been posting about this site, together WE are spreading the message!

I hope that everyone had a great weekend. I can't wait to get home and start working on my next project for the Battle Buddy Fund. More to follow.....


Monday, February 21, 2011

Playing Catch Up

Hey folks, AO1 here- Sorry I've neglected the page the last week. I've been busy playing catch up with the move- new job- battling snow storms... but none of that is as important as what Jeff is going through RIGHT NOW. I've noticed that as strong as we were in the first week or so, the emails have been falling a bit short. Please PLEASE continue to reach into your heart and continue to spread the message about our dear friend. The battle isn't over yet, it's only just begun!

Thank you to the fellow buddies who are working on independent projects of Jeff's cause, please feel free to send me updates at I am happy to share any information that you would like to see go up on the site. :)

Until next time,


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Thank YOU!

Dear Battle Buddies,

It is with great pleasure I am able to inform you that I was able to send Jeff's family their first check for 1900$!! If it wasn't for your generosity none of this would be possible. Thank you for answering the call!

I spoke with Jeff and he said that they were able to pay off 6 different medical bills, and are now gearing up the next round. He also said he is feeling pretty good, and THANK YOU to everyone who has helped so far. :)

I'm truly thankful to everyone who is following this blog, spreading the message, and doing what part they can to make this difficult time a bit easier for a fellow friend. It isn't over yet, so keep on doing what you're doing Battle Buddies. Together we are making a difference!